Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Response - Essay Example The prisoner’s argument that he cannot provide any more information about himself that could perhaps help to the furtherance of the case if he cannot look at the evidences against him, is very reasonable. Their questioning and detaining of the prisoner bring the judges to examine, their actions as well because of the various considerations such as the political and moral laws which seem to contradict what needs to be done. In the eyes of the law, the prisoner has his rights that need to be respected but there are also a number of issues such as security that need to be greatly considered. Here arises the problem on how the JAG must decide on this situation. To help the JAG decide on the matter, this paper will discuss some philosophies of great thinkers such as Hammurabi, Moses and Cicero in order to enlighten and guide him through a well-meditated and highly informed resolution. In the code of Hammurabi, suspicion is not enough for one to be punished. The detainee has been imprisoned for four years already without even enough evidence against him. During the hearing, the judges claimed that they have proofs against the prisoner, making him a threat to humanity. However, during their deliberation, the judges had to admit that the claims against the prisoner are not enough to prove him guilty as charged. Looking at the code of Hammurabi, the judges had all the right and reason to question the legal status of the hearing. There was not enough evidence that was produced against the accused but he was still imprisoned for four years. The detainee was stripped of his rights to perform his duties and responsibilities toward his family and to improve his life or even to exercise his craft and skills. He has been imprisoned based only on the testimonies of an unknown source who, on the contrary, can also be considered questionable. On the issue about the status of the hearing, it could be considered that it was nothing but an

Sunday, February 9, 2020

United Nations and USA Interventions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

United Nations and USA Interventions - Essay Example As a result, intervention in conflicts become an important part of it work. The United States of America is a nation that is made of states occupying the Northern part of America. The making of United States and its ascension to world superpower signifies a path full of conflict. After the Second World War, it emerged as one of the powerful states in the world and the end of cold war era brought a new world order with the United States as the only superpower in the world. Therefore as the only superpower in the world, the United States has had an upper hand in most of the world affairs. As such there are many instances where United States has intervened in conflicts but also in times when there was not intervention which was needed. (Shah 2008, p. 3) Intervention can be considered as a form of arbitration which is meant to bring the conflicting sides together or to mitigate the situation. There have been many forms of interventions in the world depending on the nature of conflict at hand. An intervention is supposed to be in interests of protecting the welfare of all the parties involved or in interest of protecting one of the parties that cannot stand the strength of the other in the conflict. There have been raging arguments concerning the provisions of the UN charter on intervention with conflicting sides arguing about the need to use military intervention in order to bring peace to warring parties and opponents arguing that this has not been provide by the UN charter on intervention and it amounts to violation of human rights. (Shema 2005, p. 1) Throughout history, there have been instance where thousands of innocent citizens have been slaughtered or displaced in the eye of the international community with same kind of argument prevailing. In 1994 thousands of Rwandans were slaughtered and millions of others displaced as the international community watched and the response was that Rwanda was a small unknown country. Since 2000, millions of people have been murdered in Darfur region of Sudan and other displaced as the world watches. These are some of the instance that has called for intervention by use of force in order to end such a crisis. Therefore the overall aim of any intervention is to protect the civilians from sufferings that they may be undergoing especially when the cause can be traced back to a political conflict. Historical interventions of the UN and US Since 1990s, there have been increased humanitarian interventions in the world. This has been due to increased incidence of conflicts and the traditional political system collapsed and countries tried to position themselves in the changing world. There has also been struggle for independence and many political conflicts. When it was formed the UN has been able to intervene in a number of conflict in the world especially in the Middle East in 1948 in Israel, 1957 in Egypt, 1958 in Lebanon and Syria, 1964 in Yemen, 1973 in Israel, 1978 in Lebanon, 1991 in Kuwait, and many others. It has also been involved in intervention in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India in 1988 and 1990. It has also intervened in African in 1992 in Somalia, 1999 in Sierra Leone, 1999, in Congo and recently in Darfur. These are just but some of the instance that the UN has intervened. The number of times that the US has intervened in the world are countless same as the number of countries where it ahs intervened. The history of